About Us

Our Founding

Over 5 Years ago, our main founders met at the first International Radio Controlled Helicopter Association Jamboree. We have enjoyed between us over 1200 hours of active flight time. We have members from each of the following Flight Clubs: Speedworld RC Flyers, Midwest Air Wing RC Club, RC Association of Central Florida, and the Conneitcut RC Club. Our members help provide new content, verify existing content, and help us to stay on top of the latest news!

Our Future

The majority of our flights have been on electric engines and we sincerely believe that it is the future of the industry. Since the arrival of gyroscopic stabilization in both coaxial and quad-rotor flight, the electric engine has found its home in the hobby grade category. While we have a passionate remembrance of hours flying the Funk Cey Class 90 Nitro-Powered heli, the ease of use and the over all durability of electic systeems is certainly the future. For this reason we are always, repeat ALWAYS, looking for more information to post daily on our blog. If you have a review you want heard or have a theory you want to share, just shoot an email to us at info@fbodata.com and see if we can get the information posted for you.


If you have any questions or concerns about our information or site please call (863) 354-0595 or contact us at bestrccopters@gmail.com.

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